What’s Happening on Old Hickory Lake
Happy Wednesday! Don’t miss out on this week’s fun on events Old Hickory Lake!
The Rudder at Anchor High Marina
Friday, March 23rd- Clint and Johnny Park 7-11pm
Saturday, March 24th- Davidson Horn and Curtis 7-11pm
For more information, visit their website http://www.therudderahm.com/
Awedaddys Bar and Grill
Awedaddys officially opens today Wednesday, March 21st at 3pm!
For more information, visit their website http://www.restaurantgallatintn.com/
Sam’s Sports Grill- Blue Turtle Bay
Every Wednesday- Live Trivia 7-10pm
Visit their website for more information. http://samssportsgrill.com/locations/blue-turtle-bay/events-blue-turtle-bay/
Check back next week for What’s Happening on Old Hickory Lake!